I am excited to see the comparison from his first scan. I am excited to have In & Out for lunch. I am excited it's supposed to be warm.
I am nervous that Mr. Dwain will say he is done with treatment. (I really don't think his head is ready) I am not ready for him to be done. I feel like his head will deflate like a flat tire. It's a bad dream I keep having. I am nervous my alarm won't go off and we will be late and then we can't have the scan I have been looking forward to. I guess those are both silly things to be worried about.
A fellow plagio momma posted this in the Facebook support group tonight.
I love it. We get asked these all the time and sometimes I just want to hear how cute and handsome my baby is. ;)
I read today that Chase Pistone (NASCAR truck series) will be racing to support Plagiocephaly Awareness on Saturday. This made my heart so happy.
I also learned about the Noggin Roundup this week. www.plagoawareness.com It is a 5k/fun run to support plagio awareness. This year it is September 6 at Midland Collage in Midland Texas. We will be there. I guess I need to get to running....
Pleae excuse any typos or misspellings. Blogging on the iPhone tonight. :)
Trust in Mr. D's knowledge and God will guide you in the right direction.