Friday, March 28, 2014

Huge Progress!!

Let me start by staying that we woke up on time and Cashs appointment was great. 

I think he looks so cute in his stocking cap.  Mr. D put this cap on so he could get a nice smooth image of Cashs head. I still was unable to get a picture of Cash in the scanner. I hold his hands while Mr. D runs the machine. 

Cash played while we waited for Mr. D to run all the numbers and to show us the comparison picture.  I was shocked. 

It was so much better than I thought it was going to be.  The red is Cashs head at the initial scan and the blue is from the scan today. His asymmetry started at 9.9mm and was 4.3mm today!! That is over 50% improvement.  His cephalic index started at 103% and is now down to 96.6%.  A perfect head has a cephalic index of 80%; a % lower than that is a long/narrow shaped head and a % higher than that is a short/wide shaped head. A few weeks ago Cashs head was finally longer than wide. (Longer being from front to back)  Cashs total head growth since 1/13/14 was 16.2mm. 

Mr. D said he wants to keep Cash in his helmet for another month (thank goodness). He thinks we could see some more growth over the next month and get his numbers down some more. He said that if there was good growth we would continue treatment and if not than Cash will be done on our next visit.  So we have at least one more month. We have been going for visits every 2 weeks and now we will go 4 weeks.

We had lunch at In & Out Burger. Oh how I love an animal style double double.  I had a few guys give me a hard time about his St. Louis Cardnals sticker. Rangers fans are everywhere. ;) 

Cash zonked out on the ride home. I was glad for that. These trips are so hard on him so I was glad he got some good sleep. 

Cash is super excited!! He gets to meet his Aunt Casey & cousin Sebastian tomorrow!!!!! (I'm super excited too!!) 

Again excuse any typos!! ;0) 

Thursday, March 27, 2014

I'm so excited....and a little nervous

Tomorrow Cash has his scan. I am so excited and nervous. Like the night before school. 

I am excited to see the comparison from his first scan. I am excited to have In & Out for lunch. I am excited it's supposed to be warm.

I am nervous that Mr. Dwain will say he is done with treatment. (I really don't think his head is ready) I am not ready for him to be done. I feel like his head will deflate like a flat tire.  It's a bad dream I keep having.  I am nervous my alarm won't go off and we will be late and then we can't have the scan I have been looking forward to.  I guess those are both silly things to be worried about. 

A fellow plagio momma posted this in the Facebook support group tonight. 

I love it.  We get asked these all the time and sometimes I just want to hear how cute and handsome my baby is. ;) 

I read today that Chase Pistone (NASCAR truck series) will be racing to support Plagiocephaly Awareness on Saturday. This made my heart so happy. 

I also learned about the Noggin Roundup this week.  It is a 5k/fun run to support plagio awareness. This year it is September 6 at Midland Collage in Midland Texas. We will be there. I guess I need to get to running.... 

My little guy started sitting up on his own yesterday.  

Pleae excuse any typos or misspellings. Blogging on the iPhone tonight. :) 

Monday, March 24, 2014

2 Monthiversary

Yesterday was Cash's 2 Monthiversary and his 7 month birthday.  I can not believe how quickly the last 2 months have gone by.  Everyone always says it goes by quickly....and that it does.  Here is his 2 month comparison photo. 
I love this little round head
I look at the shape from Day 1 and am just stunned.  I really didn't realize it was that bad.  Wow.  Cash has his 2 month scan on Friday.  I can not wait to see what his numbers are and to see a visual picture of the change. 
Cash has been super busy in the last few weeks. 

He has been practicing sitting up on his own. 

He got to meet his Grumpy for the first time!!

He has 5 teeth and working on #6.

He likes chicken. 
(he decided he wanted what was on my plate.  LOL)

Cash loves to play with his Daddy.

He likes to take selfies.
Cash has also started "crawling".  I tried to upload a video but my computer has gone crazy! 
Save The Date

Friday, March 14, 2014

3 Hours 1-way

When I take Cash for his adjustments we have to drive 3 hours to get there.  Some days we have a good trip and get there without having to stop. Other days we don't. Today we left early enough that Cash fell back asleep and slept the entire way. It's was nice. ;)  

Cash was so excited to see Mr. Dwain!  I was shocked when he told me that Cash had had 3 mm of growth since his last visit. I thought that Cash was going through a growth spurt. He was sleeping and eating a lot last week. 

I couldn't believe how round the back of his head was! I know I keep saying that, but I am just amazed by this entire process. 

After our visit we stopped at the mall to stretch and be out of the truck for a while before our 3 hour drive home.  I had a hard time there. It seemed like everyone was staring and it just really rubbed me wrong today for some reason. I am usually easy going about it and tell my self that everyone is staring because he is the cutest baby in the world. ;) But today I couldn't get past it. So much so I had to leave the mall. As we were riding the elevator down to the parking garage a lady asked me about it.  It's always the same "please forgive me for asking..." I always say "don't be sorry, thank you for asking". Anyways the lady asked and I told her why and what the helmet does. She was so kind and sweet. I walked out of the elevator and started to cry.  Some days are just hard. 

I love my helmet baby. But somedays I am just so tired of it. Tired of having to take it on and off to get dressed, tired of the smell, tired of cleaning it, tired of the stares. But when I see his round little head it makes all of that and the 6 hr drive worth every second!!  

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

1 Hour a Day

Cash gets to have his helmet off for 1 hour each day.  I thought I would give you a little inside view of our special 1 hr a day. 

We start our 1 hr right after dinner.  I check all over Cashs head for any red marks. When I put his helmet back on I will check his head again to make sure all red marks have faded. 

I clean Cashs helmet with alcohol. I have found if I clean the helmet, let it dry, clean it again, let it dry, wipe it out with just a wet rag and let it dry that the smell is almost gone. The smell. Oh the smell. It's bad.  It's real bad. 

I love to kiss and rub all over his sweet little head. I am in awe of its transformation. 

Cash plays for a few minutes while I get his bath and jammys ready. 

Jammys ready. We use a fragrance free lotion. This way when I put it on his face and neck it won't cause more stink in the helmet.  Any fragrance will cause stank! 

We also use a fragrance free shampoo to help control the odor. I have found California Baby to be the best.

I wash Cashs head really good.  He loves loves loves to take a bath! 

We get out of the bath and lotion up and get jammys on. 

The helmet goes back on after a little playing. Now it's time for bed.

Sometimes our hour goes by super fast and other nights it's long. Either way we enjoy our helmet free hour. 

Friday, March 7, 2014

1 Month Update

It's been a while since I have updated. We have had some great progress!! 

Can you believe how much his head shape has changed?!?  I was amazed when I put this collage together. 

There really hasn't been much to update about in the past few weeks.  Cash did get sick with croup and we had to leave the helmet off for a few days due to his fever.  While he had it off we went to dinner and while Cash was sitting in the high chair eating a server dropped a cheese grater on his head.  Of course he didn't have his protection on!! He had a few red marks and a little bump. Nothing to bad and all were gone the next morning. 

Cash celebrated his 6 month birthday! 

And he now has 3 teeth!  I can't get a good picture of his top tooth, but this one makes me smile. 

We went to Star Craninal this past Friday to see Mr. Dwain for an adjustment. 

Here Mr. D was checking to see how much room was between the helmet and Cashs head. 
He took Cashs helmet off to check for red spots and to make note of the areas to shave and make room for growth. 

He measured Cashs head to see how much growth he has had. His head is now as long as it is wide!! Woot Woot!! He has had about 3 mm growth. 

Mr. D checks all over Cashs head each visit. 

After all adjustments are made Mr. D puts Cashs helmet back on and says he will see us in 2 weeks. 

In a month we will have another scan in the STARScanner to see exactly how much growth and change he has had. I can't wait!! 

I will leave you with pictures from the last few weeks.