The past 2 weeks have not been what I expected. What I expected was a bunch of tears, sleepless nights, sweat, stink & just learning to adjust to life with a helmet. Let me tell you...this little boy is a rock star! He doesn't even know the helmet is on his head. It hasn't affected him at all.
We have adjusted very well to life with the helmet. Our daily schedule hasn't changed much. We wake up, have breakfast (loves bananas & cereal), get dressed (take helmet off & put back on), play, nap, eat, play, nap, eat. Around 6:30 we have dinner (green beans, sweet potatoes or carrots) then take a bath. This is when Cash gets to have his helmet off for 1 hour. Before we started therapy I thought that 1 hr was not going to be long enough. How do you get a bath, clean the helmet & let it all dry in 1 hr? Well, most of the time 1 hr is too long. Cash has always gone to bed soon after his bath, so it has been an adjustment to have an hour after his bath to play. I have heard that the sweat from the helmet is awful. Cash again has surprised me...he doesn't sweat any more than he used to. The smell is horrible, not just in the helmet, but on his head. I can't get him in the bath quick enough. But after cleaning the helmet out with rubbing alcohol & letting it air dry the smell disappears. Not what I expected. Cash sleeps surprisingly well. The last few days he has been waking up multiple times during the night and wanting to eat. I am thinking he may be going through a growth spurt. Which would be awesome! That would really help to round out his little noggin.
This past Sunday I had Cash's helmet off so I could dress him and could see a visible difference in his head shape. 10 days & there is already change! How amazing is that!
This picture shows the difference in just 2 weeks. I am just so amazed.
Cash has been super busy the past 2 weeks. Since getting his helmet he: